Vital to any organization are the planners and organizers.

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams ..." - Willy Wonka, 1971 (Arthur O'Shaughnessy, 1874)


Meet the Team

Every thriving community needs a vision and inspiration.  Here are the folks who have been active in directing and guiding our newest secular community - Sunday Assembly Grand Rapids:


Lena Riemersma

Founding Member, Chairman, & SAGR Host

Lena brings so much life and color to Sunday Assembly.



Melissa Freeman

Founding Member, Secretary, & Book Club SMOUP* Leader

Melissa brings a smile to everyone and organizational skills to any event!  She is talented and dedicated to the ideals of Sunday Assembly Grand Rapids.


Dave Stein

Founding Member & Treasurer

Every living organization needs a brain.  We're just fortunate Dave is ours.

Jamie Coop-Klamer

Founding Member, Co-Chairman, & 'Tech Junky'

Jamie enjoys people most of all, but he has a lot of fun playing with techie-toyz.  When he's not playing, you just might catch him dancing!



Colette DeRidder

Founding Member, Member at Large, and Chairman of our nearest assembly neighbors - SA Kzoo

Dedication is an understatement, Colette drove from Battle Creek just to help launch SAGR.  She's another one who enjoys 'livin' it'! (Believe me, you want a little of what she's got! You can get some of your own, if you just do some of what she does.)